Posted by on October 10, 2016

On Saturday, October 8, 2016, MTA held its annual meeting at The Quarry restaurant in Barre.  A primary focus of this gathering was to celebrate and honor the amazing volunteers who have maintained our trails throughout the year.  We had a great turnout and a great time; thanks to everyone who came out to join us.  The results of the Trails Crew Awards and MTA’s election of officers are below.


2016 Trails Crew Awards

Most Trail Time (Most hours of maintenance logged)
Barb Schwendtner Winner 29 Hours Trail Service
Runner Up: James Hoyt

Best Lumberjack (Most blowdowns removed)
Jeb Wallace-Brodeur
Runner Up Greg Jancaitus

Best Earth Mover (Moved the most dirt and stone)
Cindy Lindeman 9 hours of earth work
Runner Up: Jacob Grossi 6.5 hours of earth

Most Hot Air (Most hours leaf blowing)
James Hoyt 12 hours of Leaf Blowing
Runner Up: Jason Jacques 6 hours leaf blowing

Best Carpenter (Most time fixing/building wood features)
Jason Jacques over 300 yards of bridge work
Runner Up: Barb Schwendtner 100 yards of bridge work

Best Proselytiser (person who reached out the most to new people, impacted new memberships/volunteers the most)
Ben Brown
Runner Up: Dirk Anderson

Weekend Warrior (Person who showed up most consistently, ie every week)
Barb Schwendtner 5 of 6 trail days attended
Jason Jacques

Best Rider (Person who showed up to the most group rides)
Kristy Hunt 18 rides
Runner Up Ben Brown

Best Young Trail Builder
Tyler Hopkins

2016-17 Officers, Board of Directors

Stephen J. Maas, President

Peter Kopsco, Vice-President

Ano Lobb, Secretary

David Anderson, Treasurer


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