Learn to Identify Invasive Plants!
Tuesday, July 19, at 9:00 am
Dan Singleton, Washington County Forester, will join the Tuesday Morning Walkers. Dan will discuss how to get rid of invasives in your own yard, too.
Tuesday Morning Walkers info: Every Tuesday at 9:00 am, beginning June 7, 2016, and continuing through September, join Marianne Kotch and Suzy Klinefelter for easy to moderate walks, exploring various trails and lookouts. All ages and newcomers are always welcome. All walks begin at the kiosk at the 44 Brook St., Websterville 05678 parking area and last approximately an hour and a half. If it’s raining enough for an umbrella, the walk will be cancelled.
Questions? Can’t make any of these days/times? Call Marianne Kotch at 476-4185 for details or to set up a personal tour.
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