Posted by on April 4, 2009

Even though it is snowing as I write this, and I’m still hoping for another blizzard, I know what April means. It’s time to rake leaves, wash windows and dust off our bikes. This spring especially, there are plenty of reasons to look forward to mountain biking 2009 at Millstone Hill. The touring center is moving about a mile up the hill to Church Hill Rd. in Websterville. In addition to being much more centrally located, it will also be expanded to include a part-time bike repair shop.

Looking for some new trails to ride? Lots of planning was done last fall and crews will be out in the woods as soon as it’s dry enough to work. Our trails drain quickly, and as usual we are shooting to be open by the first week of May.

So good-bye to a great winter, and welcome spring!

See you on the trail.

~Jean C.



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