Posted by on September 7, 2015

Dear Friends,

As most of you probably know, a large component of MTA’s trails run through the Barre Town Forest. We have been notified that a logging phase will likely be carried out this Winter in the Scrambler/Littlejohn/Sidewinder area of the forest. Periodic logging is a component of the forest management plan, and MTA is supportive of forest management, responsible timber harvest and habitat improvement. We are fortunate to have a close working relationship with Barre Town government as well as close contact with the forester involved, and we have already taken steps to ensure that our users’ interests will be protected. Even more fortunately, the forester is a trail user himself and understands the need to keep us informed of logging operations so we can plan accordingly and notify our trail users of trail closures so nobody gets hurt, and to keep trails free of slash piles.

The current timeline: starting this week, the forester will begin marking trees with blue paint and flagging. He anticipates that will take him two or three weeks. He will then put the project out to bid, with a logger awarded the bid in November. Logging will start mid-December and wrap up by the end of March.

We kindly ask that our users respect the responsible forestry activity, understanding that MTA is closely involved with the process, and not remove or hinder any of the flagging or forestry activities. We will continue to keep everyone informed of progress and any developments of interest.

Best regards,

Millstone Trails Association
Board of Directors


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