Reminder: no swimming or diving
Users of the Grand Lookout trail will notice some new signage on the gate, indicating more clearly that swimming (and particularly cliff-jumping) is prohibited on the private property of Rock of Ages quarries. We kindly ask all visitors to respect these laws!

Millstone Trails Featured in Best of Central Vermont Magazine
Have you seen the latest edition (Summer 2018) of Best of Central Vermont Magazine? Pick up a copy and you’ll find a feature story on Millstone Trails, written by Phyl Newbeck and featuring beautiful photos by Jeb Wallace-Brodeur. You can

Join the MTA Trail Crew!
Are you interested in serving on the Millstone Trails ‘Trail Crew’ this summer? Please complete the following form to have your name added to our Trail Crew List and be included on all email updates and announcements throughout the season.
Reminder – No Camping
Remember folks, camping is not permitted in the Town Forest or elsewhere on our network. If you’d like to camp, check out some of the local options like Lazy Lions Campground or the Millstone Hill Lodge.
New Trail Opening Ceremony!
Please join us as we celebrate the newest addition to our trail system. We’ll be dropping the rope on a beautiful new section of trail which completes a 3 mile loop; designed with beginner mountain bikers in mind. This
New Trail Nearing Completion
The new trail that we are constructing this summer, built by Sinuosity and legendary trail builder Brooke Scatchard, is making great progress and will be open soon! This trail is part of MTA’s efforts to create a “beginner loop” that
Trail Day: July 9 – Volunteers Needed!
The gnome has been at it again! Come learn how to build and repair an elevated trail bridge! No previous experience necessary; just bring a pair of work gloves and show up at the 44 Brook St. Garage in Websterville.
Trail Day: June 11 – Volunteers Needed!
Millstone Trails Work Day: Sunday, June 11, 8 AM – Please note change of date from previous post! Come learn how to build a split log trail bridge! No previous experience necessary; just bring a pair of work gloves and
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